Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It has been quite some time since I have revisited the original blog post about my sweet wife Olivia. Remiss as it may seem my life has been filled with near constant interruption, beautiful interruption, in regards to my having time to write. I love to write about Olivia.

This all-encompassing love experience that I originally wrote about is continuing on, miraculously. Olivia as borne two, angelic, children. They both have her shattering smile, and our daughter has proven just as eager, passionately eager, to create happiness in the lives of those around her. Yes, being a father is a blessing. Being a father to the children of my wife is a thousand blessings more.

As ever constant our changing place, plan, and form has been in the last three years, she still loves me in return. She loves me in return of my best efforts to provide her with reason otherwise. Children bring with them consequences from wherever it is that they hale from. These consequences seem mostly happy and enjoyable; or the enjoyable ones are so astute and powerful that they overwhelm the majority that is drudgery and difficult. I am unsure. Either way, I have proven an excellent father and a complete buffoon all at once. She loves me in spite of it.

Her patience with the children is hard to understand. The kids themselves are keenly aware of her seemingly endless ability to care and provide for them. They know where they may go for relief and concern and they attend to her often. To them, it seems, she is the fountain of all that is unequivocally comforting. I look at them in my private moments and think, "I understand what draws you.".

Olivia and I have been married for the better part of seven years. It has all been work, fights, disagreements, work, The sort of love that makes all the hassle and difficulty worth while. I humbly assume that it is the sort of love that softens hard hearts, reconciles unpayable debts, and strengthens long exhausted souls. Charity. Our children have "made bare" our weaknesses. They have revealed so many intimate shortcomings that were before veiled by insecurity and ignorance. Olivia has made the transition like a master pianist ascends the keys. She leaves in her wake a beautiful symphony for me to follow. I intend to follow forever.

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